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Hey guys! Today I’m going to share some things God has put on my heart this week. Hope you enjoy it!


This week I read Ephesians 5:22-25, explaining how wives should submit to their husbands, and my immediate reaction to this was anger. I spoke to some mentors and friends because I was so confused how this didn’t infuriate them. How was I supposed to put that much trust into a man not only for myself, but for my kids one day. Even with lots of educated discussions over a few days, I didn’t understand and continued to read and reread these verses with anger. Then, we had an activity in which we practiced forgiveness, and while I didn’t think I had anyone to forgive, God told me differently. As we began to pray and reflect, I started to tear up as hurt bubbled to the surface, realizing that some wounds hadn’t fully healed or even been addressed. I realized I had some men in my life, or that had been in my life, that had dishonored me. Treating me with disrespect or speaking down to me, viewing me as an object or not educated enough to have a conversation with. I thought of a time I was hurt or fed a false idea, and then another, and another. I continued for almost the entire time thinking of more situations I saw a man hurt a woman or act out of selfish nature. At first this made me hate Ephesians 5 even more, wondering how I was asked to submit to something like that. I cried thinking about this, about the hurt and what God asked of me. Another day or so later, my heart was softened and I realized that maybe these things were connected. Maybe the times I had been hurt and I hadn’t forgiven caused bitterness. This bitterness skewed my view of men and therefore the beauty that is in a relationship with a man of God and eventually a husband. After some reflection and forgiveness, I was able to process and realized that in God’s perfect image, the husband would be so united to God I wouldn’t need to worry about submitting to a man that would dishonor me or make poor choices for my family because his choices would be what God asks. The purpose of sharing this was to encourage you all to spend time in reflection and prayer, asking God to reveal places you have bitterness. Sometimes sins done against you can be more harmful than your own, but it is your job to forgive and stop bitterness. There is so much freedom and beauty in the vision that God has for us.


Thank you for reading! Please pray for me and my team and if at all possible, please donate!

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